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Students in Jodi Ozimek's Foods class

"Small Appliances & Tools for Foods Classroom"

Holland High Family and Consumer Science teacher Jodi Osimek wrote a spring grant for stand mixers, hand mixers, and digital thermometers for use in her extremely popular Foods 1 and 2 classes.


According to Jodi, "In a typical year 10-12 sections of Foods courses are offered. The classroom operates with 6 complete kitchens with 4 students working together in each kitchen. The additional hand mixers and digital thermometers replaced potentially unsafe aging and damaged equipment, as well as allowed for greater equity among groups ensuring that all students are learning to work with the same equipment.

Although it may appear that stand mixers and hand mixers complete similar functions, they are in fact fundamentally different. Hand mixers are used for small batch recipes, and stand mixers for large batch recipes. With accessories, the stand mixers can also be used for additional functions such as making pasta, grinding meat, and grating.


Students demonstrate their mastery of techniques and equipment through practice labs. After each lab, students complete self-assessments in which they evaluate their understanding of tools and equipment, cooking techniques and the taste/texture of the food they make." 


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